原文地址:Static site using rails.
As we know rails is mainly used for dynamic website.we can also display static web pages or we can deploy full static website using rails. The following code can help us to display static pages.
Step 1:-Create Rails project
rails static_site
Step 2:-Generate StaticPage Controller
ruby script/generate controller static_pages page
Step 3:- Create StaticPage Class in Model
class StaticPage
Formats = {
"html" => "text/html",
"png" => "image/png",
"jpg" => "image/jpg"
Step 4:- Add following line in routes.rb
map.page “page/:filename.:format”, :controller => ‘static_pages’, :action => ‘page’
Step 5:- Now add following line into static_pages controller
def page
"#{Rails.root}/app/views/static_pages/#{params[:filename]}.#{params[:format]}",:disposition =>'inline',:type => StaticPage::Formats[params[:format]]
- Step 6:- All the static pages place in RAILS_ROOT/app/views/static_pages/ folder
Step 7 :- Start server and Type url as shown below.
ruby script/server